Chris Graham has been working in the outdoor service industry for well over 25 years. Chris joined Eric at BlackWater nearly 6 years ago now and their partnership is the perfect match. Prior to that, Chris owned a lawn care firm, but it was at that time he started working in concrete, nearly by accident!
He purchased a new construction home and he decided he needed a patio, driveway extension, and basketball court. Using some of his lawn care crew’s expertise, he was able to design and build his own outdoor concrete areas and was immediately bombarded by friends and neighbors who also had concrete project requests.
Chris decided then that he wanted to expand his business into outdoor living spaces, and so he started down the track of obtaining the necessary education to become more knowledgeable about the design and build of concrete, decorative concrete, and concrete products. He’s been in love with concrete ever since! He loves the aspect of decorative concrete design, so he will be happy to provide guidance and suggestions on how to best utilize your outdoor space.
Chris grew up in Loudoun County and has been living in Winchester with his wife, Penny, since 1988 and they have three adult children. His favorite non-work activity is cheering for the ‘Skins (sometimes that’s a good thing!), playing basketball, and spending time in Barker NY, on Lake Ontario, weather permitting!