Curved Concrete Patio

Curved Concrete Patio

Patio shapes can be curved, straight or a combination of both. Unlike rooms inside your home, they don’t have to conform to the standard box-like shape. In this recent curved concrete patio project, we chose a curved design, or “free-form patio,” to give it broad, sweeping curves and an organic feel.

Here at Blackwater, we like to capitalize on concrete’s ability to be poured in any shape. Designing a patio can be quite exciting when you realize how much freedom you have, and changing the layout of your concrete adds a tremendous amount of aesthetics.

Whether you want this style, one that we’ve done in the past, or come up with your own- we’re here to help. Contact us for more information on our method, service, and pricing options. Find out why we’re the best professional designer concrete company in the area.